When people meet me, they often comment on how young I look. It’s usually followed by a surprised expression when they learn that I’ve been working in the field of Biofeedback Therapy, Rife Frequency Therapy, and Scalar Energy Healing for more than two decades.
But in reality, my journey into energy-based healing began over 20 years ago, long before these therapies gained mainstream attention. As someone who has always been passionate about natural and holistic health, I dove deep into understanding how our bodies respond to subtle energy fields—and how those fields can be harnessed to heal, transform, and restore balance.
While my youthful appearance might suggest I’m a newcomer, my years of hands-on experience with cutting-edge biofeedback technologies, frequency devices, and energy medicine tell a different story. These therapies have been the foundation of my work since the early 2000s, and I’ve had the privilege of witnessing their profound impact on countless lives.
Now I have something incredible to share with you! In the world of holistic health, there’s a fascinating concept that bridges the gap between modern science and ancient wisdom: the idea that healing is voltage. In his book, Healing is Voltage, Dr. Jerry Tennant explores the notion that our body is an electrical system, and when its energy (or voltage) is optimal, we can heal ourselves. But what happens when that voltage drops? And how can we restore it?
At Restorative Naturopathy, we’ve witnessed the power of this principle firsthand. Let me take you through an extraordinary moment in our practice, showcasing the body's ability to heal in real-time through voltage.
The Power of the 660 Band: A Live Blood Analysis Testament
Recently, during a Live Blood Analysis session, we had someone whose blood quality reflected poor health. Their red blood cells (RBCs) were clumped together, and their white blood cells (WBCs) were inactive. The blood cells were misshapen, with no distinct separation, indicating an imbalance and dysfunction at a cellular level.
We implemented just ten minutes of the 660 Red Light Band—an energy therapy that uses light frequencies to cleanse the blood and support the body's natural healing mechanisms. The results were nothing short of miraculous.
Before our eyes:
The white blood cells became highly active, moving in multiple directions, almost as if they were "coming to life."
The misshapen red blood cells regained their proper shape and size, separating naturally, no longer clumped together.
It was a perfect demonstration of Dr. Tennant's message—healing truly is about restoring energy to the body. The 660 Band worked to raise the body’s voltage, revitalizing cellular function and allowing the immune system to come back online, fully engaged and functional.
Healing is Voltage: What Does This Mean for You?
Dr. Tennant explains that every organ in the body operates within a certain voltage range. When voltage drops due to injury, illness, medications and toxins or chronic stress, the cells lose the ability to regenerate, and the body’s natural healing process is compromised. Inflammation, pain, and chronic conditions follow as the body struggles to maintain its balance.
By restoring the proper voltage, through light therapies like the 660 Band or PEMF, the body can return to a state of coherence, allowing it to heal and function optimally. The process doesn’t just treat symptoms—it supports the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.
Seeing is Believing
The Live Blood Analysis is a powerful tool that allows us to see how our internal systems are functioning. When combined with voltage-boosting therapies, we can not only monitor improvement but witness the process in action. To see the immune system, your lifeline, come alive in a matter of minutes after years of dysfunction is, in one word, wondrous.
At Restorative Naturopathy, we embrace the idea that voltage is the key to healing. Whether you’re dealing with chronic illness, pain, or simply want to optimize your health, increasing your body's voltage might be the key to unlocking your vitality.
You an purchase your own 660 wrist band HERE